
»Kunstmaleriet i den digitale tidsalders æra«

  I den digitale æras tid vil det være naturligt — ja, sågar tvingende — at spørge ind til det traditionelle maleris status og berettigelse: for kan kunstneren af i dag overhovedet på meningsfuld vis finde farveopløsninger frem og tvære dem ud over en udspændt lærredssæk? Det er set før, fordum og af dage!

  Er det malede billede blevet blot en antikvitet, et relikvie eller et artefakt i kunsthistoriens gemmer? Vil det malede kunstværk fremover kun være af historisk interesse i kunstens udvikling og uophørlige emancipation fra dets oprindelse og udspring?

»The Work of Art in the Digital Age«

  In the digital era it will be natural — even compelling — to question the traditional painting and its legitimacy: is it possible for today’s painter in a meaningful way to find colour fluids and rub them in and out and onto a stretched canvas-sack? It has been seen in days of yore and away!

  Has the traditional physical painting become a mere thing of the past, an antique, a relic or an artifact from the archives of art history? — And will the painting in the future be of only historical interest, in the evolution of art and its continuous emancipation from its origin?

Essay trilogy —

post- and transhumanism

part III  in spee 

Reflections on the coming post- and transhuman future

Transhumanism – the world's most dangerous idea

[in the future] Nobody knows what technological possibilities will emerge for human self-modification. But we can already see the stirrings of Promethean desires in how we prescribe drugs to alter the behavior and personalities of our children. The environmental movement has taught us humility and respect for the integrity of nonhuman nature. We need a similar humility concerning our human nature. If we do not develop it soon, we may unwittingly invite the transhumanists to deface humanity with their genetic bulldozers and psychotropic shopping malls.

Francis Fukuyama Foreign Policy (2004) 

Remaking Eden, epilogue

Unconsciously dr. Varship shook his head as he realized that the elimination of Genetic Engineering was hopeless. All prospective parents wanted to provide their children with the greatest possible advantages of life. How could you convince parents to forsake this instinctive personal desire for the good of society. Each individual parent would say, “the genetic enhancement of just my child has no impact on society at all. Why is it immoral for me to want the best for my children? I’m not harming anyone else by my actions.”


It was late, by Warship’s reckoning, to late to do anything at all, he concluded helplessly. We were on a journey into a rapidly evolving future that no man, no woman, could stop. And where it might lead, no one could tell.

Lee M. Silver © (2004)